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The Salvazzi household is proud to sponsor a Triathlon

The Triathlon is a chance to shine for those individuals who participate in the Arts & Sciences, and both the Armoured, and Fencing, combat styles

Throughout the reign of Kaylah & Trumbrand, at as many events as we can, there will be an opportunity to participate in the Triathlon.

We will inform you, with as much lead time as possible, which events are participating so you can plan ahead.


To participate, first one must simply inform a member of the Famiglia Salvazzi that they wish to join in the Triathlon. You can use the form below to do this, if you would like.

Second step is to actively participate in All Three Parts of the competition, in the Same Event, during at least One event.


You can participate in the Triathlon at as many, or few, events as you wish, with each event's score collected and being put toward your final score.

The Rules

  - The Triathlon will run at as many events as possible throughout the reign of Kaylah & Trumbrand

 - You can start your participation in the Triathlon at ANYTIME, at any event, as long as a member of the Salvazzi is made aware of your joining

 - You can participate in the Triathlon at as many events as you wish

 - To have your participation at an event count towards your final score, you must participate in all three parts of the competition (Armoured / Fencing / A&S) during that event

 - The scores for combat portions of the competition, will be taken from the tournaments run by the event, or through a Double Elimination Speed Tourney

 - The same A&S project can only be entered twice during the competition

 - A&S competitions will be un-themed to make it easier for all types of A&S to be able to be entered

 - A&S competitions will be 'bean count' style

 - Your scores from each event you participate in will go towards your final ranking


Contestants will be ranked by their best overall score from all three categories (1, 2, 3,etc). Each time you compete, is a chance to improve your best score. In the case of ties, second-best scores will be compared, and so on.

Join the Triathlon

You're name will be added to the Leaderboard

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